Ships Ashore Show

Due to unfavorable conditions on Webster Lake, we find ourselves landlocked for Pirate Fest 2024. In lieu of the Cardboard Boat Regatta, we will be hosting the first ever “Ships Ashore Show.”

The Ships Ashore Show is all about creativity, competition, and innovation in boat building skills. Above all, the show is all about having fun building your ship and showing off your creativity! Additionally, each registration earns you a Pirate Fest “bag of loot!”


Ship Construction

1. Must be big enough to fit at least the captain, and no larger than a 10 foot by 10 foot display space.

2. The body of the ship must be made from cardboard.

3. You can use other materials to craft your boat, such as glue, tape, rubber cement, paint, and other repurposed materials.

4. You can use whatever you feel like to decorate your boat!

5. Participants are not allowed to use any materials that are hazardous to the environment (please use water based paint)

6. You will be responsible for getting your boat into and out of your display space.

7. Please ensure that you ship is built to a standard that will not leave behind debris, such as glitter, confetti, or other parrot feathers.

Award Categories

1. We won’t be racing our boats, so awards will be based on creative construction and decoration. Be creative and have fun building the ship of your dreams!

2. Prizes will be awarded for the following categories.

a. “The King’s Vessel” – The Pirate King’s favorite ship

b. “Council’s Choice” – Chosen by City Council

c. “The Crew’s Quarters” – People’s choice award based on public vote

Show Timeline

The show begins at noon on Saturday September 21

Participants can load in their ships from 10am – 11:30am

Prizes will be awarded at 2:30p and the show will end at 3pm

At 3pm, participants must remove their ships from the venue

This year the registration fee is just $20 for all boats